Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A song to share

I have an amazing story to tell y'all soon, but in the meantime I wanted to share this song that was the special music at my church two Sundays ago.  I couldn't stop crying when I heard it...started sniffling loud and everything lol.  I still can't hear it without tearing up!  It is called "unredeemed" by Selah, and you can listen to it here (but you will want to minimize the window to not look at the very bad choice of pictures someone chose to put with it).


  1. Oooh...I love this song. I have heard it before, but of course never actually listened to the words. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great song!! I love it! Can't wait to hear your story!!!

  3. You don't know me but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for "leading" me to Selah's "Unredeemed." I really needed to hear this today. New song for me, with fantastic lyrics.
    Lol, I found your blog by typing in cervical mucous-->images--->led me to a fertility friend chart--->led me to your blog. God works in such awesome ways!! Just wanted to let you know I think he used you today! :) Congrats on your new forthcoming little one. -Meredith
