Friday, March 6, 2009

Good News for our Georgia Peaches

According to the AP and several other sources, the Georgia bill that would severely limit IVF in Georgia is most likely dead as it was sent to a Senate sub-committee yesterday for further research. I hope that we have all learned from this the importance of staying together as a community to fight for each other.

Wow! Everyone seemed to have a good time debating in my comments section yesterday. There were some very hurtful and honestly ridiculous comments left, but I have decided to leave them so that it is clear who is truly behind this bill. I will admit that they did get to me yesterday, but I'm over it this morning. God was with us every step of our infertility. He led us to the right doctor. He gave us peace about the right treatment option for us. He brought me to other Christian women going through the same journey who held my hand and prayed me through. He was there the days of our IUIs in our dr.'s office when we were left alone for ten minutes, and Shaun held my hand and prayed for a miracle. He provided comfort and hope when all we saw were negative tests. And He was there the day that we saw our miracle from Him with the most beautiful heartbeat. God creates life. God sustains life. But God works through medicine and doctors and procedures everyday in all areas of medicine.

I also had a lengthy email conversation with the Legislative Director of the organization that was behind this bill. He claims that all IVF language was removed from the bill. This must be a recent development because I read the bill in full on the Georgia's State Legislature website Wednesday afternoon, and it was all still there. Of course, this would be a major step in the right direction, but I will reserve my judgement of the bill until I read the actual new or revised bill in full.

Yesterday's debate was informative, but any hurtful comments left today will be removed. This is a place where women and men who are suffering through infertility can encourage and uplift eachother so unless you find that your comment fits into that category...I suggest you find another venue to express your extreme views. I also encourage commenters to leave positive comments on how you have seen God work through your infertility treatments.


Misty Dawn said...

This is great news Courtney. Thanks for updating us on your inside connection!!

Sorry about the random comments on your blog. How do these people find your blog??

Anonymous said...

Great news Courtney! I don't think anyone would disagree that what happended California should not happen again anywhere, but you can't rush into something that could potentially be harmful in the long run.
I am so thankful to be saved by God. Without His love I would have lost my sanity a long time ago! God has a plan for me. I don't know what it is, but I pray everyday for Him to give me a peek ;)

Amanda said...

Wow...I just read all the posts from yesterday (well I skimmed through a lot of them). I was fortunate to get pregnant without IVF after having a very difficult miscarriage...but I can say that, without a doubt I would have had IVF if I had needed to. I thank our amazing god for giving us this incredible technology. Unfortunately, like many of the gifts he gives us, it is not always used as he intends...but we should not disallow it because of a few cases.

The Thagards said...

Wow. Those posts from yesterday were unbelieveable. Glad you have decided to delete them today! I am a regular stalker of your blog who is also dealing with IF. I really enjoy reading and am so happy and excited for you!!! (Misty Dawn, I stalk you, too!) :)

Kami said...

Hi Courtney,

I just wanted to pop on and say congratulations on your blessing and I am currently going through the IVF process. I was born "broken". God made me this way and that is ok! He also made doctor's who help women who suffer like us. I am proud to say I got my blessing from my church and I am on my way to try to have my blessing from God. Good luck to you sweetie!

Elaine said...

Hi Courtney! I am just checking in on you! Congrats on your 2nd trimester. The last part of your pregnancy will fly by. Enjoy all those tiny kicks and squirms! I love having my son here, but I so miss being pregnant too!!!

Michelle said...

Great news indeed! My prayers are constantly with every couple that battles with infertility.

Lauren said...

Hi, Courtney. I'm just getting back to blogging after a really long absence. Just wanted to say "hi" and say hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

hi courtney! great news about GA. I just wanted to say thanks for the good wishes today, we're still in hospital limbo & praying like crazy right now. Good luck tomorrow at your u/s-- will be looking forward to your update! :)

kate (kprzy)