Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help a Reader Out and a new blog direction!

Hey Girls! I know a lot of you are still keeping up with me through forthislittleoneweprayed, but I wanted to update over here and explain a slightly new direction for this blog. The purpose of me starting a new parenting after IF blog was so that I could keep prayingforalittleone as an infertility blog, but I feel like I failed myself and my sweet readers these last five months. I've been praying and thinking about what I should do with this space, and I feel that God is leading me into turning this blog into more of a ministry than just me getting on my soapbox (but I'm sure that will still happen from time to time). Since having Henry, I've felt called to pray for those still waiting more than I ever have previously. Just looking down at him and seeing what a miracle he is has made me even more sensitive to those around me who are still waiting. Starting this month, I will be asking all of you to join with me in prayer for one woman in particular each month. This month God has put a very special woman on my heart to share with us, and I believe we will all be blessed by hearing her story and praying for her. Post coming soon...

Also, I've recently received a lot of questions from readers, but a lot of you do not have infertility blogs (I don't want to comment back on a personal blog for your privacy) so I wanted to start answering questions on this blog. First a disclaimer....I'm NOT a medical professional, and any answers to questions would be only for support and ideas NOT medical advice. If you have a question about my journey or pretty much anything about infertility email me at prayingforalittleone@gmail.com or leave a comment on any post. One of the blogs I frequently read has started a Help a Reader Out post, and I think this is a great idea to help a reader get more feedback from all of you instead of just me (because again I'm NOT an expert!). Our first Help a Reader Out is from a new reader Megan:

"Hi Courtney - Im the "anonymous" commenter from your other blog. I left a comment on your letter to the "purple shirt girl". I have been seriously loving this blog. I started from the beginning and read all of your posts. Your story is truly a testament to the "awesomeness" of the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing.

I have a question... open to anyone who may read this.

My husband and I have been trying the "natural" way for 2 years. I HATE taking medicine, so I have just been praying each month. I have used the OPK but with no luck - obviously. So... I started reading a book called the Infertilty Cure by Randine Lewis. That got me going to an accupuncturist and on herbs. I have been doing that for a short while. I love it. It is all about treating the cause, not the symptoms. However, I have an appointment with a fertility doctor in Feb. (on my birthday, actually...fun way to spend my 27th birthday, right). After reading this, it sounds like I need to do research before I even get to the appointment. Are there certian things that I need to ask him, or look for. I feel overwhelmed!!!!!!

Much Love to you all,

Megan, thank you so much for reading and commenting. I can't believe you read my entire blog that had to take some time! First of all, I have the book "Infertility Cure," and I think it is a GREAT book for an eastern approach to infertility. They are learning more and more about how accupuncture and herbs can help infertility so I'm glad you are doing your research and are being proactive. I'm also happy to see that you made an appointment with a fertility doctor. From your comment, it seems that you and your husband haven't had an infertility workup yet and a doctor specializing in infertility is a good place to get that completed. First, my advice on the doctor would be to make sure he is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist. You can see all of the doctors in your area by clicking here. I would also check the cdc website to look at the clinic's success rates in your area. 2007 is the most recent data available, but I would think 2008 should be coming out soon. Even if you aren't going to attempt IVF, it is a good way to find the best clinic and doctor in your area. A good RE will look for a cause to your infertility before starting a treatment plan. This will include bloodwork (to see if you are ovulating and to check for other problems like thyroid etc), ultrasound, a HSG to see if your tubes are clear, and a semen analysis. The first appointment will probably just be a discussion of the possible treatment options out there and info on all of the testing. Believe me, I understand not liking medicine. I hesitate before I even take a tylenol! But sometimes with a disease/condition like infertility, you need medicine (God can of course decide to heal you without medicine, but He does work through medicine too--this is another post for another day). However, I do like the idea of combining the good of both eastern and western medicine for treatment. I know you feel overwhelmed, but it won't be long, and you will be an expert on infertility and your body! Don't stress about having all of the answers right now. Just make sure you have a good doctor that you can trust and take it day by day in prayer. Keep us updated on what you find out at your appointments!

Okay readers....now it is your turn! Help Megan out--what advice do you have for her as she goes to her first infertility consult appointment?


Janet said...

Megan, I don't have much advice to give because I think Courtney pretty much nailed this one 100%. My husband and I prayed for a child for 3 years and after medical intervention & TONS OF PRAYERS we now have two beautiful baby girls. I have to agree with Courtney that making sure you pick a good RE is KEY! I know people who have spent thousands at an RE and have nothing to show for it and then they switch to a different RE and immediately get preggo. While this may not be the norm I still think doing your research is critical. Sending pregnancy vibes your way and saying prayers right now! Best of luck! All things are possible with God! You'll get there!

Michelle said...

Megan, I do not have any advice, but I do have prayers. You will be in my prayers.

Miss Tori said...

Another book I'd recommend for the technical side of fertility and treatments is Infertility for Dummies. It is straight foward, not a lot of emotional input (although it does address that emotions highs and lows during TTC are normal), and is just a really good technical reference to have on hand.

Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck in your journey. If you don't have a blog, I'd highly suggest starting one and becoming an active member of the ALI community.



Megan said...

Courtney -

I am blown away by your compassion. I was not expecting this sort of kindness from a stranger. You are truly a blessing in my life. I can not thank you enough. And everyone who left a comment...wow. GOD IS GOOD!!!!! Thank you all so very much. I am without words. You are all amazing.

☆ Loren ☆ said...

Megan, My advice would be to give yourself time to "take it all in" after the first appointment. My Husband and I went to our first Fertility apointment and immediatly jumped into treatments. I wanted a baby so bad I just didn't care anymore how I got it. I'm not saying that doing those treatments was wrong, but it was BEYOND OVERWHELMING! I don't think we could ever be truly prepared for the ups and downs of infertility, but once we started treatments it was like we couldn't stop! It consumed our lifes, and eventually began to ruin them. We did treatments from Aug. 2007-Sept. 2008 with no success. It is still hard living without a baby (FOR NOW) but Our lives are so much easier and less stressful since we aren't doing treatments. We WILL resume treatments soon, but wat to make sure were realllly ready this time!

So that is my advice. Give yourself time to soak it all in and don't get overwhelmed. Infertility is a dark and scary world, but there are thosaunds of wonderful people caught inside it!

Bristelle said...

Hey Megan,
I don't have any advice as I have never seen a RE. I just wanted to send my support and prayers your way.

Courtney- Thank you for letting your blog be a blessing to others by allowing God to speak through it.

Praying for little ones for all of us out there waiting!

Anonymous said...

Courtney I'm just so touched by your heart to remember the others still on this journey. I often see people who made it through just forget about how hard the wait was and became some of the most insensitive people. May God bless your work!