Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh Progesterone!

Dear Prog Supps,
Please stop making me feel pregnant. You are not making the 2ww easy on me!


Unknown said...

It evil not doubt girl, but if u weih the benfits, u know ur doing the absolute right hang in there..i'll be ur cheer leader all the way through pal..just waita nd see its there out of sight for now but within reach it will jump on u like it did to me, all u have to be is tropper and keep marching ahead Hugs

Unknown said...

Courtney, I am praying for you. I know you have been through so much and my heart just broke for you last month with your false positive. I have faith that seeing the RE is going to make such a difference.

Kate (katiewar)

Kate said...

tell me about it-- pro sucks!!! it's like the ultimate fake out! It will all be worth it tho once you get that BFP, & I KNOW it's coming! Love the blog sweetie, I think it's a great idea!

Kate (kprzy)