Saturday, December 6, 2008

Everything is Okay!

Oh no! I scared my blogger buddies with the title of my previous post! Please forgive me girls for making you worry for nothing.


Nikki said...

Good that all's well Court. Praying that all stays well and you have a smooth sailing!! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

SO glad everything is going well!! Please update as often as you can- we ALL love happy endings (or beginnings!!) in this process.
God Bless!!

Heather said...

Courtney, I completely understand what you are feeling. I don't think we'll ever be the naive pregnant woman just lost with head in the clouds. But every single day you progress, you know that God is taking care of you and your baby, and giving thanks each day will bring a different joy of appreciation...hang in there, and enjoy it as much as you can!