Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Perfect Timing.

It wasn't until I retold my journey through infertility at the May support group meeting that I finally got something that I've known all along, but I have never truly processed.

Leaving my surgery, August 11, 2008...my mom told me that my Aunt had the same surgery and had my cousin Hannah almost a year to the day of the surgery.  I think I actually rolled my eyes in the backseat and uttered a "yeah right" to myself.

Based on the day of conception of Henry (our fourth IUI)--definitely ovulated that day because I felt it, our due date was EXACTLY one year to the DAY of my surgery...August 11, 2009.

In order for that to happen, God had to perfectly time my ovulation to that ONE out of 365 24 hour period.

Which also had to time out to be 10 days before Thanksgiving Day (God knows I'm an early tester) so that I could find out I was pregnant on a holiday like I always dreamed (He hears even our small dreams)

 And then He timed Henry's birth to be August 7, 2009.  7 lbs 7 ounces at 7:04 PM (5 minutes earlier, and it wouldn't have been 7...one or two days later and Henry would have weighed more).  7 is the number of completion.

And on the day, He made a hard, difficult journey into a beautiful birth story.

God's timing is always perfect...oh how often I need to be reminded of this.


M said...

What a beautiful post. God is so good

Michelle said...

That is beautiful!

Ashley said...

Wow - amazing. Thanks for sharing that!

andie said...

God's timing is ALWAYS perfect. i need to be reminded!

Stacy and John said...

Amazing... Only Our GOD!