Thursday, January 22, 2009

2nd OB Appt

It was such a wonderful feeling to get in the car on our way to our 2nd OB appointment. We didn't get to make it to the second appointment with Baby Faith so I was so excited to reach this milestone. There wasn't nearly as much anxiety with this appointment since we were blessed to hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler a couple days before our appointment. I did the normal check-in stuff and then headed over to look for a magazine to read while we waited. I didn't pick up Fit Pregnancy or Parents Magazine, I picked up...Conceive Magazine. I didn't want to read anything that could contain women complaining about pregnancy. I don't think I could stomach it. I don't feel comfortable in the mainstream view of pregnancy. For some reason, pregnancy is now celebrated as the time in your life where you can complain all of the time...and "it's all about you." Next to "What to Expect When Your Expecting" on the bookstore shelf is a book called "Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable." Everyone is constantly asking me how I'm feeling. I don't know what to say to them. Yes I'm tired, but I don't want to complain. I probably feel better than I have felt in at least a year. I don't have hot flashes, hormonal headaches, heartache, and constant worrying about follicles, timing, and what's next. I'm blessed. I love pregnancy. I love every second of carrying the miracle that God has given us, and it's not "all about me."
Okay done venting now...

After pointing out to Shaun how convenient the Gonal-F pen is compared to mixing all of those drugs (he was very impressed with the pen), we were called back. The nurse weighed me, asked me how I was feeling. and told us that "we are just going to listen to your belly today." She is so pleasant. I really appreciate nice nurses after my former not-so-nice OB nurse.

Courtney- "So how many pounds did I gain---2? 3??"
Nurse- "Ummm actually...looks like 6 pounds."
Courtney- "Oh wow okay."
Shaun- (huge smile on his face)
Apparently my sweet Shaun was proud of the weight gain.
Dr comes in....
Doctor-- "How are y'all doing??"
Shaun (immediately perks up)- "We are doing great!! She gained six pounds!!"
Doctor--(trying not to laugh) Well that's good!
Courtney- (laughed at my cute husband)

After just a minute or so of searching (Doctor: "Come on Peanut")...we heard our baby's heartbeat just beating away. Dr. said it was in the 160s, which according to him is just right. He told me that I could stop the progesterone whenever I wanted to, but I decided to decrease my dosage to once daily until next week (12 weeks).


Nikki said...

I'm so glad things are progressing nicely Courtney! You're sounding so relaxed and happy! Good for you! And I pray for a smooth remaining 29 weeks for you!

Lisa said...

What a great report. I was always happy when I gained too...believe it or not. I guess I just felt like my little lima bean was growing and that is exactly what I wanted. CONGRATS!!

Misty Dawn said...

How wonderful Courtney! Here's to more milestones in this PG. Congrats!

Antonia said...

Congratulations on a great appt. I will be keeping you in my thoughts things will continue to go as smoothly as the first 11 weeks and that soon you will be reaching 28 weeks and further on like I have at this point!! Take care!!!

Nichole said...

Oh my gosh - I am just SO happy for you! I hope that when I am pg, I take the same road as you. I know that pg isn't necessarily "comfortable" but I DON'T want to complain about it! I just want to enjoy every second.
I am so glad you were able to hear the heartbeat and your husband is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a great appointment!!

I completely relate to you on the complaining thing. I felt that way to a certain extent with my first pregnancy since it took forever, but really, really strongly about it this time. Whatever it takes, you know?

Amy (Impossiblewoman)

Birdee said...

You’re so cute, I didn’t realize you were venting until you said you were done venting, you have such a sweet tone.

I agree, It is so SO nice to not to have to stress about TTC, I'd much rather have pregnancy symptoms, however I will say – (and maybe this is different from what you’re talking about), but I do gripe at the girls that hold back their pregnancy experience from me (symptoms and all), they no longer have anything to say to me (or the blog world) because they don’t want to come off as complaining.
You’re not complaining, you pregnant (Yay!!), and pregnancy IS a big deal, it can be wonderfully miserable (er- miserably wonderful), it can take quite a toll on the body - and quite honestly, and I love to hear (and relate) to ALL of your beautiful experience that I KNOW you know you’re so blessed to have. (Pleasant and not so pleasant) So there's my two cents and hope to hear more on "How you’re doing". =D

I also am so excited to make it to my second OB appointment, I didn’t get that last time, no peeing in a cup, weigh-in's, no sitting on the table or even in the check up room, I just got a very sad visit in the Dr.s personal office on a cold leather chair.
I just can’t wait to strut my belly in that office and do what pregnant women get to do, I'll be so happy. OH and I too have gained about 6lb too =D.

I Believe in Miracles said...

I love this! What great news.

Michelle said...

I was just grinning ear to ear as I read your update! So wonderful!

Faith said...

What a great post -- glad things are going so well!