Tuesday, January 13, 2009

9 Weeks

Not the best photo of me, but you can definitely see the bump in this picture. Wow!! 9 weeks :). Look how cute our baby looks now on the sidebar in the 3d thingy (awwwwwh!!). I'm still not comfortable with being a normal patient. I'm doing all that I can to just relax and enjoy every minute, but I think I would do a lot better with this if I didn't have to wait an ENTIRE month to see my doctor. At least we only have one week left until my appointment, I think I can make it. I also made a huge mistake last week which did not ease my fears in the slightest. I decided to rent a doppler. For those of you outside the IF community, you probably have never heard of this, and you think I'm crazy, but renting a doppler is a very common practice with women who are pregnant after infertility or loss. I unfortunately decided to order mine early...(are you surprised...remember me testing at 9 dpIUI??), and we couldn't find the heartbeat. We did think that we heard the sounds of the placenta, which sounds like wind whooshing through the trees, and maybe a couple fetal movements (maybe??) which was probably gas. Everyone on the WebMd boards assures me that it was way too early for my weak doppler and to try in a couple more weeks so I will at least wait until the day before my appt before I try again. I woke up at 3 AM that morning in a major panic, but I feel back asleep to a wonderful dream. We delivered a baby girl in the mall (strange I know), and I can't even begin to describe to you the feelings I had when I held her in my arms, and she opened her eyes for the first time. Then I gave her to Shaun, and she smiled so big when she heard his voice. I had this overwhelming feeling of protection for my daughter, and I remember not wanting very many people to hold her. I woke up feeling a little better, and I told Shaun that we needed to remember that there is a 95% chance (according to our dr) that we have a safe and healthy baby.

Update on symptoms: Finally starting to feel a little nauseous in the evenings...it is a very welcomed feeling. I also have what I like to call "pregnancy gag attacks." I think these started around 8 weeks. I will just be in the middle of a conversation feeling fine, and all of a sudden something will come over me, and I just gag...and it is the funniest sound. This also happens almost every time I brush my teeth now too. Shaun laughs every time I gag. I know that sounds really mean, but I have to laugh too because it sounds so funny. We both just love it when I have pregnancy symptoms. We are really having a lot of fun together lately. There is a lot of laughter in our home. I realized this weekend in the middle of block.buster while we were both acting silly just how much infertility was draining us. It feels really great to be myself again.


Birdee said...

I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one showing at 9 weeks.
You look fabulous!

I rented a doppler - I'm discovering they are really tricky, I have found the h/b but I tell you - it's so sensitive when I find it, it has to be a perfect angle, one millimeter movement in any direction and I go back to hering either my h/b or belly gas. And I cant find it every time either, I have spent 20 min looking for it (naughty I know) then tried again the next day and ~boom~ found it with in the first minute.
It also depends on the sensitivity of the doppler on how early you can hear the h/b. I think Mine is a 2mghz - guessing because I did hear the h/b so early. But most the women on the FF board I'm on cant her their h/b yet and yet the u/s showes everything to be perfect.

Anyway - Congrats again, I just love the updates and pictures.

DF and I are having a new found fun too. It's so great.

Searching for Serenity said...

What a cute bump you have! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa said...

Courtney - You do look awfully cute with that baby bump and I can't believe that you are showing so much already. Anyways, you look great and so happy and I don't blame you!!

I use to be like you with morning sickness. I was literally sick throughout my WHOLE pregnancy...even on the table for my c-section, but it was all worth it and I would do it all again. It just reminded me daily and a couple times a day that my pregnancy was healthy and that I was carrying this little IVF miracle in my belly. I couldn't ask for anything more. I dealt with the morning sickness with pride (does that sound weird?) Anyway, I know how infertility can totally stress you out and your relationship with your hubby so it sounds like you both are enjoying the pregnancy together and that is great. My hubby was so involved and I loved it.

Enjoy it and CONGRATS to you!!

Anonymous said...

are you sure you don't have twins in there??

Anonymous said...

Hi Courtney...it's me, Courtney from the WebMD boards. I wanted to tell you that when I went to the doc at 14 weeks, she couldn't find the HB, so she brought in the ultrasound machine. Baby was fine; the placenta was anterior (right on the front of the belly), so it was muffling the HB. And now we have Lane; she's 3.5 months and just wonderful! Try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy...if there's one thing I regret, it's that I worried too much and didn't just enjoy the moment! You look cute by the way...I showed early, too!

Michelle said...

What a CUTE bump! I can't wait to watch it grow!!!!

And yes, too early to pull at that doppler...but of course I can't blame you! Very very soon, you'll be hearing that sweet sound!

I love to hear how cute you and your hubby are! So fun that you two are laughing and enjoying even the icky parts of pregnancy!

Hugs and continued prayers.

Jennifer said...

I am 15 weeks pregnant, and I also have a doppler. With my dauhter (4yrs ago)I heard the heart beat with a home doppler at 12 weeks and never had any problems finding it. When i tried at 12 weeks with this pg, i could never find it. I would spend like an hour looking for it. I freaked out after a couple of days of not finding it and made up an excuse to get an u/s...of course baby was fine. I finally started pickin it up good last week (14) even though it takes me like 15 minutes to find it. The directions on mine says you shouldn't be able to hear it on a doppler till 12 weeks but if you can't hear it by 14 weeks, you should have a doc check it out. Hope this helps.
P.s.- Are you sure you aren't pg with twins ;o)You look cute!