Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well obviously my morning didn't get off to a great start. The test was negative. Today was a sad day, but I'm trying to remember that this was just my first ovulation after surgery. I'm starting over...right?? We have a new plan of action for this next cycle which includes doubling my meds, multiple ultrasounds, hcg trigger shot, and an IUI followed by 3 x daily prog supps. Really the only "new" part of the plan is the doubling of the meds, but I'm happy to be getting back to baby attempting at the dr's office. It is hard to continue to take the prog supps, but since today is 11 or 12 dpo, I need to at least wait until I test again on 14 dpo before I stop them.


I Believe in Miracles said...

Someone once told me it's not over until AF shows up... but I hear you about getting back to the dr office. For some reason I seem to trust them more right now. Baby dust!!!

Anonymous said...

so sorry Courtney. I'm so glad you have a plan. You know it's not over. Chin up!!

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry Courtney. IF is so hard. I'm glad you have a good plan in place!

Megs said...

Hang in there! I know that it's hard not getting to see that positive result. Actually, it really sucks, but hang in there and know that we are thinking about you. :) Lots of hugs!!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but we all have to keep following the path that God has set before us and in the end He will give us the desires of our heart. I'll be praying.

Elaine said...

I'm sorry Courtney. I will be thinking of you today, and that God will comfort you during your disappointment. I am glad you have a game plan to move towards for next month and I really, really pray that all of your prayers are answered soon. I think of you often--and how similar our stories are--and I still believe with every part of my being that you will be a mother.

Anonymous said...

like the other girls said, its not over til AF shows! that said, i know how final BFNs feel, & i would never tell you not to feel sad at seeing one. Just don't lose hope, COurtney-- your LO is on their way! (she's just taking some scenic detours!)
thanks for the well-wishes! i wanted to post somewhere i'm hoping you'll see it & tell you how much it means to me to hear from you. big (((hugs)) sweetie, i'm thinking of you.

kate (kprzy)

Ellie said...

Hey- so sorry to hear about your BFN. Sounds like you have a good plan, though, so that's good. I always feel like it's easier when there is a "plan," you know?


Courtney said...

Man, what a crappy way to start your day. I'm sorry. There is always a way to find hope, but I've found that the first few days of my cycle are the most negative. Hopefully things will still work out (*I agree with Nitty, it's not over until AF shows up!*) but having a plan is helpful.
IF just plain sucks sometimes (or... all the time!).

Jen&Carter said...

I am so sorry for the disappointment. I am glad that you have a plan in motion that is good. Hugs hun.