Saturday, November 8, 2008

My First Injection Video

Well my first injection went okay. I'm still not sure if I did it right, and I was scared to death. I had Shaun record me for two reasons: 1. I knew if all of you would be watching this video that I would have to finally get up the nerve to go on with the shot and 2. B-roll -just in case we are the next Jon & Kate Plus 8 as my nurse made sure to warn me about at my injections lesson on Friday. My husband obviously does not do camera work for a living like I do so I'm sorry that most of this video is of my chest and my stomach roll. Warning--do not watch if needles make you queasy.


Marcia (123 blog) said...

Courtney, I'm so proud of you! I nearly cried watching it because all those feelings just came straight back to me!

I found it doesn't hurt as much if you put the needle in at a slight angle. But of course I don't do the needles - I just grab the fat roll :) and look away while my hubby does it.

You rock and you're right - it will be worthwhile when you hold that baby in your arms.

Nikki said...

:-) I'm so proud of you! I hope you don't have to do shots for another cycle because this cycle will work!

Good luck!

Megs said...

Yay! Good job! I gradually got used to giving myself shots. By the 3rd or 4th time I was a pro :) It does get easier!!

I remember doing the exact same things...rechecking the directions to stall for time, counting to 3...oh wait, Im not ready! :) Hopefully this will be the only cycle you have to do this! Good luck!

Ashley said...

Oh gosh I am so proud of you! Good job - and this will be totally worth it :)

Faith said...

Hooray! First one is the worst. Now you're over the fear part, and you'll be good to go!

Dan and Gretchen said...

Way to's a HUGE step moving to the injections, but it's all so worth it. It doesn't matter how you get the needle in there, just get the medicine in :) It brought back a lot of memories for me too...the first time I did it I was in the bathroom for 25 minutes before I got up the courage to just do it.

Best wishes to you on this cycle.

Michelle said...

Way to go girl! I hope this is the only cycle you need to do this!!! Cheering you on all the way!

Anonymous said...

Good job!! In IF, you can NOT be queasy of little needles for long! You'll never make it past IUI's! You did it like a pro!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

one more question - i had the same meds and your needles look way bigger than mine did - how long are they?

Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Courtney! You guys are so cute! You just crossed over another hurdle and are closer to having your baby in your arms! I pray for you every day.
Franchesska (Heather)

Melanie said...

You did great!!!! I'm proud of you!!! I know how hard that first shot is!!! I think I put my needle down a million times and told my hubby I can't! But I did. It gets easier every time! YAY!!! It will be worth it! Good luck to you guys!!!!

Misty Dawn said...

You did great!!! I wish DH could watch me like that. Needles make him really queasy too. I can remember the 1st Inject I gave myself. My palms got so sweaty, I was so nervous. Thank goodness this feeling went away after the first couple of Injects.

Are you doing a straight Inject C or Combo C w/Femara?? My RE had me do Femara CD3-7 on all my inject C's, the first 2 inject C's I did Repronex/Follistim(75iu's) on CD 9&10, to only produce 1 follie. Then on my last inject C, he decreased the dosage of Follistim (37.5iu's) but I did more injects CD7-15, then I produced 3 follies.

Hope this answered your ??'s

Anonymous said...

Courtney, you did such a good job!! Way to go!! None of this is easy at all. You did great! It will all be worth it someday, and getting started with the shots is the hardest part. Don't forget to ice your tummy beforehand so it's nice and numb. It is COLD, but it was the only way I could get through our IVF shots so you feel them so much less. You did REALLY well. I will be praying for you!! God Bless, Katie

Kristi said...

Just stumbled across your blog today, and I have to say that I'm hooked! We have our first IUI w/injectables scheduled to start within the next week or so, and I'm terrified. Thanks for being so honest about being scared, and making it just a little easier for the rest of us! I'll be praying for you!!

Angelwingsbaby said...

I have been following your blog for a month or so now.And it brought tears to my eyes to watch your shot video, reminds me of when I went through it and the fear I had so many years ago.Megan