Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Not Pregnant"

Did I mention how much I hate digital tests? Seeing "Not Pregnant" on a test is just too final and sad. Why can't they just say "Try Again", "Sorry," "No..darn it," or "Maybe Next Time?". Oh well girls! You know what this means...time to move on to injections. I remember thinking not that long ago that I would "never" give myself shots. Um yeah hand me that syringe...I'm ready...bring it on!


Anonymous said...

oh hunny Im so sorry. But maybe the injections are what you need. Im right there with you tho girl. If this doesnt work for me I dont know where to go from here since I cant afford the injects. Still thinking about you and I know you are going to get that BFP soon dont give up hope you know you can get prego!!

Nikki said...

I'm sorry Courtney! I hate HPTs - digital or not! :-(

Sorry sweetie. Big hugs to you!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

I'm with Nikki - I also hate HPTs. I took 5 with my first IVF last month - all negative :)

And you know what, Courtney? I also said "I'll never do the whole injection thing"

But somehow we draw those lines in the sand...and we keep moving the lines.

Here I am about to go for my 2nd IVF and I STILL can't believe this is MY life!


Courtney said...

That's like the movie 'baby mommma' with Tina Fey. She see's tests that say in huge letters 'NO'. It's really a funny moment, but truthfully, it's just so sad.
Bring on the injections!
I'm sorry. I'm thinking about you today.

Anonymous said...

Courtney, I'm so sad. I really thought you had it this time...but, you already had a plan in motion for injections and it sounds like you're ready for that step, so bring on those follies and here's to November! You're going to be a Mom, I keep telling you...Franchesska(Heather)

Anonymous said...

So Sorry Courtney. I'm glad you have a plan, that makes the blow of a BFN somewhat bearable.

Big Hugs!

Nichole said...

Oh Hon, I am so sorry! I HATE digital tests too - they feel like such a slap in the face!

Good luck with injectables...I prefer them over Clo.mid ANY day!

Amanda said...

I'm confused, why do you give up when you are only 11 days past IUI?

Ok, I know, you have already mentally moved on, but for the optimistic person you appear to be I'm just surprised that you don't give it longer.

You're probably right, and I'm glad you have a plan. Good luck.

Elaine said...

I'm sorry girl. I remember all too well that feeling of defeat. (We tried for almost 5 years. I had 2 m/c during that time, but between my last m/c and this pregnancy we tried for 3 years.) I really hope that the injectible drugs do it for you! I want so badly to add you to my answered prayer links--and I know that we WILL!!!!! It's being patient until then that stinks! Sending you big hugs!

I Believe in Miracles said...

I'm so SO sorry. I hate HPT. I don't use them. :o)

I was scared of the injectibles, but found they weren't so bad. You're organized enough that you should do fine. If you have any questions, just let me know. Rooting for you, hun!


Michelle said...

Oh Courtney! :( I'm sorry. Those evil tests can really be down right mean. I pray for the day you post about the most beautiful test you've ever seen! And I pray that injections are just what you need to see your dreams right in front of you!

Shelley (MNHall - WebMD)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry this IUI didn't work out. BUT, I PROMISE injectables are not that bad and may be just what you need. Bring on the next phase of baby making! You're ready! :)

Faith said...

Oh Courtney, I'm so sorry. It's tough to have one door close as you move along in this journey, but you seem to have a positive outlook on the next step. And trust me -- you can do injections!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry Courtney, BFN aren't easy to see, i admire your strength and resilience! take care, Nora (webmd board)

Dan and Gretchen said...

So sorry you had to experience another negative. I was the same way going through our battle...there was NO way I could give myself shots, and before I knew it I was doing as many as 4 a day for IVF. It does get better, and it's amazing how God prepares you for the road ahead.
I am a huge needle phob and I can honestly say they don't really hurt.
Hang in there~

Anonymous said...

Even the OPK's have the :) or the
:( That is far better than just saying NOPE!

Then again...seeing one line is awful too so I guess there isn't a good way to soften the blow.