Wednesday, July 22, 2009

36 Week Dr Appt Update

I had my weekly dr appt on Monday morning, and there isn't much to report from the appointment! I'm STILL 1 cm dilated (same as 28 weeks), and I'm kinda getting ready to start seeing a little progress. I think it is so cute of my uterus to now decide that she is no longer "irritable." This is when I'm suppposed to be feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions not at 27-28 weeks. I definitely felt more contractions then than I do now. I am so grateful though that Henry is safe and cooking! I said from the beginning of the pre-term scare that I would keep my eyes on our due date, and I continue to see that as our goal. Awwwh he might even have chunky cheeks :). They did hook me up to the belts for some time to check on him because I've noticed a decrease in movement, but he was doing just fine. Next dr appt is on Monday with a bio-physical ultrasound to check on him.


Robin said...

He's probably moving less because he's getting squished in there! Grow Henry Grow!

That is awesome Courtney..Congrats!

Michelle said...

Figures that he was thinking about coming out at 28 weeks but now he's snug as a bug! BUT, he can keep on growing nice and strong so when he comes out it's all cuddles for mommy and daddy!