Sunday, October 26, 2008

Counting the days!

I'm trying to stay extremely busy, but this two week wait is dragging! We did have a fun weekend including a pumpkin carving party on Friday night, a costume karaoke party on Saturday night, and a fall festival at our church tonight. But nothing can make your "ovaries cringe" (phrase my older brothers used to use when they were single to describe a girls reaction to them playing with babies e.g. "her ovaries were cringing" lol) more than all of these adorable babies in costume. Some of my favorites...a bunny, a monkey, a spider with his older brother who was spiderman, a pumpkin, and a bear. I can't help but hope that we will have a baby or two (!) this time next year.


Melanie said...

I hope you get your wish! I know what ya mean. I'm praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I want that for you too!!

Lauren said...

I hope this is it for you!! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on my reading and commenting...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your wait will fly by.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Ugh! I hear you. I'm praying for you too.

Anonymous said...

One week down, less than a week to go! Best of luck to you!