Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TTC Hubby Quiz

Shaun and I were talking the other day about how much he knows about the female reproductive system so I decided to give him an impromptu quiz. His answers definitely proved again my post below that I talk about this way too much! But since we got so many laughs out of it...I thought I would pass it on to all of you! Enjoy!

What Kind of TTC Hubby Are You?

1. Average number of days in a normal woman's cycle
2. Abbreviation for the urine tests that some women take daily before ovulation
3. First drug most doctors prescribe for infertility
4. Brand name of sperm friendly lubricant
5. First thing many ttc (trying to conceive) women do in the morning
6. Nickname for the hcg injection given to induce ovulation
7. 2ww stands for this
8. 2 common side effects of fertility meds
9. Name for spotting during very early pregnancy
10. IUI stands for this
11. The second half of a cycle after ovulation
12. Average length of that phase
13. IVF stands for this
14. Region of the body that the hcg injection is given
15. Measured during mid-cycle ultrasounds
16. Typical time length in hours between a hcg injection and an IUI
17. Acronym for pregnancy hormone
18. Hormone needed to support early pregnancy also known to cause PMS
19. Average day past ovulation that implantation would take place
20. The Big O
Answers below if you need them!

5 or less- "Spare Me the Details" Hubby--
The word "tampon" sends chills down your spine, and you do everything in your power to avoid talking about making a baby unless of course it has to do with sex. While your "manly" exterior is pretty cute at times, your wife needs you now more than ever to take a more active role.

6 to 10- "It Takes Two to Tango" Hubby--
You have surprised yourself with all of the knowledge you have absorbed from your wife's ttc talk. At first you tried to avoid the topic, but over time you have realized that it takes a strong partnership to make it through this tough time.

11-15- "Sweet as Puddin Pie" Hubby--
You care so much about your sweet wife, and you do your very best to understand all of these medical procedures. Sometimes you get your medical info just a little confused, but you know an impressive amount, and you are on your way to dr status in the near future!

16-20- "Just Call Me Doc" Hubby--
From FSH to LH to HCG and anything in between, you know it all! In fact, you know more about the female reproductive system than the majority of females. You are a great listener, and you give shots with skill and precision.

Dr. Shaun scored a 16! I made the descriptions for the points before he took the quiz so I wasn't partial...I actually thought he was going to be the "Sweet as Puddin Pie" Hubby...which he definitely is too :)

My mid-cycle u/s is tomorrow so I will post an update!

Answers to quiz: 1. 28; 2. OPK; 3. Clomid; 4. Pre-Seed; 5. Take temp; 6. Trigger shot; 7. Two Week Wait; 8. Hot flashes, moody, headaches, bloating...and more!; 9. Implantation Bleeding; 10. Intrauterine Insemination; 11. Luteal Phase; 12. 14 days; 13. In-Vitro Fertilization; 14. Butt; 15. Follicles and/or Uterine Lining; 16. 36 hours; 17. HCG; 18. Progesterone; 19. 7; 20. Ovulation (give your hubby the points if he put the other big o instead)


Nikki said...

You made this quiz? WOW! I can't wait to ask DH all these questions! I'll let you know where he fits. My guess is "Sweet as puddin' pie" ;-)

I had a to think some before getting the answers to some (like the sperm friendly lube) - it's been years since we tried "au natural"!!!

I Believe in Miracles said...

This was AWESOME!!!

I gave it to hubby and he scored a 6.5. He got 1/2 credit for saying snooze for #5 and then changing it to temperature charts. Some of his answers were hilarious so I thought I'd share - 6. egg maker instead of trigger shot and 10. IUI = internal uterus instigator

He said I do talk about it a lot, he just chooses not to listen. ;o)


Lisa said...

This was great! Loved it! Hubby scored a 7....after I prodded him on a couple. I thought I would share a couple of his answers, too.

9. The Freak-Out
11. Tough Times

Also, he said that he didn't have to know all this stuff because I'm Dr. House in heels. I laughed so hard that I just couldn't be mad at him!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared to know how LITTLE my dh knows! I'll be asking him tomorrow!

Nikki said...

OK here goes - I was right. My DH is Sweet as puddin pie!

He got 13. But to give him a little credit he'd forgotten some of the "early ttc" things. For eg, he got Clomid confused with metformin, and thought the "Big O" was the "Big Ovary" (considering the size of my ovaries with each IVF, I can't say he's wrong actually! But no I didn't give him the points for that one!)

Courtney said...

I can't believe you made this up on the spot! It totally belongs in redbook or Oprah magazine. I'm going to give it to my DH this weekend (the weeknights just seem to busy these days).
I am impressed.

Nichole said...

OMG - you HAVE to publish this! It is quite impressive. I can't wait to get home and have DH take the test. Maybe this will help him realize that he really isn't as involved as he thinks he is :-)

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Thirteen! DH is very proud of himself.

Thanks for the fun quiz!

mandy_moo said...

LOL my DH got 13. You know what he said two of the side effects of fertility meds are? He said "dry cervix" and then he said "fertility!!" Then he changed his mind and said "crazy hormonal outbursts" and "uhh, I can't think of anything else" so I told him that the dry cervix thing works. LOL!!