Friday, October 3, 2008

A Little Less Talk

I have let infertility consume my life. It is all I think about and pretty much all I talk about these days,and I am sick of it. I have let myself get away with this for months now because I kept telling myself that this would be over soon. This latest bfn has made me realize now more than ever that I have got to start living my life. I don't know that it is going to be this month or even this time next year. My most wonderful sweet husband has put up with so much of my ttc talk. I honestly do not know how he still listens to it. So I'm done...I'm done talking. I am not going to talk about anything ttc or baby related. I will continue to blog because I will definitely still need to vent. This is going to be so hard, but this is what I need.


Nikki said...

Do what you need to do Courtney. If talking helps, talk. If you need to take a break from all things TTC, take a break. It's about bringing peace and calm to ourselves.

Take care of yourself. We're here when you need us.

Nichole said...

I had to do the same thing a couple of times. It was so hard because it was always in my mind, but I had to resist speaking it. Good luck and know we are here to always listen the the TTC stuff going on in your head!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I reached that point a couple of months ago. It got to where I would talk about it so much with pretty much anyone that would listen and then I would see them again and they'd have this look like "poor Audra, she's still not pregnant." So I decided to chill with the "openness" Now I have my girls on WebMD and my best galpals and of course my Brett and that is more than sufficient. GL and don't keep it ALL in!

I Believe in Miracles said...

vent away!!

I definitely think about that a lot and still work on trying to not bring it up to hubby without him bringing it up first. so far I've been failing daily.

know that we will always be here to support you and listen.

praying for you.