Last night we celebrated 30 weeks! Doesn't 30 weeks sound so much better than 29 weeks? I really wasn't feeling that great last night so I took a long nap in Shaun's lap, and he said I was sleeping very hard (I'm guessing that was a nice way of saying that I was snoring). I don't know how it is possible for me to be tired after laying around all day long! After I woke up, I decided that even though I looked awful that I still wanted to continue our new tradition of taking a picture of our weekly celebration.

And here is my "lovely" 30 weeks belly shot...I'm hoping to get a better one tomorrow at my dr appt...

Speaking of my doctor appointment...I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house and having a sit down with Shaun and my doctor. I feel like I have so many questions, but I don't really know what to ask??!! I'm going to write a couple questions down this evening so that I don't completely blank when I get in there. I will definitely update tomorrow after my appointment!
You look amazing at 30 weeks!
I love that you have weekly celebrations! You look SO CUTE! I can't believe you are 30 weeks! WOW!!!!!
I always blanked with questions at doctor's appointments! I hope you have a nice informative chat with your doc!
You are looking great!! I can see why you would be tired... I sometimes get tired from just sitting around plus I am sure that little guy is so energetic!! Enjoy your time out tomorrow.
You look so great! Your belly is adorable :) And what a great tradition for the two of yall. Enjoy these nights of sitting around just the two of and relaxing :)
30 weeks is spectacular!! Keep it up!
I found your blog through a friends. Good luck and I will be praying for your baby to arrive safely.
Christy from Arkansas
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