Monday, July 28, 2008


I just don't feel right....I don't know what it is?? I feel very anxious like something bad is going to happen. Maybe it is just the Provera doing crazy things to me. I hate this feeling. I'm pretty sure it is the Provera so don't worry. On a much lighter note, I'm so glad so many of you enjoyed Shaun's comment from the other night. I was hoping it wasn't one of those.."youhadtobethere" moments.


Elaine said...

I would blame it on the Provera. When I was on injectible drugs I had those same feelings. I even wrote a will which really flipped out my husband. I don't know what it was, but I always chalked it up to hormones. Regardless, I hope whatever it is finds a new place to set up camp. Loved the husband humor, by the way.

Anonymous said...

These meds can do crazy things- I have highs and extreme lows with really depressing thoughts at times. It's gotta be the meds! I am normally pretty upbeat and happy! It's like all the "what-ifs" are under a magnifying glass and it's the only thing we see, ignoring the hope and good things in our lives. BLAME THE MEDS. I'm sure that's all it is! Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

its the provera-- i think it makes us completely wacko. i didn't even finish my whole course of it before AF showed (who knows what was going on there!) & i was a totaly nut-job. yes, even crazier than usual! hang in there Courtney!!
kate (a.k.a. kpcrazy, a.k.a. kprzy)

I Believe in Miracles said...

I'm sorry about the anxiety you're feeling right now... Hopefully it is just the meds. :o)