Friday, July 11, 2008

Not This Cycle

My ultrasound today confirmed that this cycle is a no-try cycle. My follicles were still itty bitty, and my lining was so thin the ultrasound tech had a hard time finding anything to measure. So on to surgery next month! I think I'm actually going to enjoy a break. It will be nice not to feel like a crazy person on prog supps and not to have to wonder.."am I pregnant?" Bring on the coffee and wine and anything else pregnant people aren't supposed to drink or eat!


Leslie Laine said...

Sorry to hear about your news, but it sounds like you're making the most of it - I agree, there is a silver lining in taking a break - bring on the coffee and wine! Hope you have a good weekend and are able to enjoy the good things that we so often have to avoid. It sounds like you're moving in a really good direction, take solace in that!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry courtney, but i'm glad they're going ahead with the lap. i hope you guys get some answers! & enjoy your wine & coffee girl-- you deserve a nice fun break!!!

Kate (kprzy)