Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dr. Appt Update

Well it looks like my uterus has finally had enough! Fifth cycle of meds and my lining is super thin (4 mm). My follicles also did not cooperate...I have a couple, but they are only 11,11,11, and 13. I'm going back on Friday to see if the little follies have grown or if my uterus has decided to cooperate. I finally got to express my concerns about my pain (mainly around af) to my doctor, and he immediately brought up lap surgery. He said that my symptoms sound like I could have endometriosis, and we will only know by taking a look inside through surgery. I told him that I am all for surgery because I would rather do it first, then spend all of the $$$ and then decide we need to do surgery. Unfortunately the OR is booked for Friday so we will have to schedule the surgery for August. I am actually okay because I just knew my follies were going to be little. I would have fallen off the table if the tech told me I had a big one this time. I have a funny blog coming tomorrow to lighten the mood!


I Believe in Miracles said...

Yeah for the doctor finally listening to you! Sorry about the news about the lining and meds. But it sounds like you know your body pretty well, so that's pretty good!

Elaine said...

Courtney, I know things seems so defeating right now. Small follies, thin lining...but you know that old cliche` that us IF'ers hate (when you least expect it...) It's true. K and I were admist becoming licensed for fostering when I fell pregnant. At this point we had been trying for 3 years since our 2nd loss, and 5 years all together. I literally felt as if I would never have my own child. I am telling you this to give you hope in what seems like a hopeless time in your life.

I, too, have endo and have had the laparoscopy (sp?) that you'll probably have done in August. It seems our stories are really similar to each others. We had 3 IUI's.

Anyway, I want you to have hope. I want you to believe that this will happen for you one day--no one except God knows when, but I refuse to believe otherwise. And if you are anything like I was, unable to pray about this anymore, I want you to be comforted by the prayers that other people are lifting for you. I am praying for you and your DH. This is a painful test of your marriage and faith, but I believe with all of my heart that it will happen for you.


Ellie said...

Hey Courtney- sorry to hear about the follicles/lining. Hopefully you will get some great news on Friday.

I had a laparoscopy back in May and truthfully it wasn't too bad. I felt the same way as you though- I would rather have the surgery now to find out what may be going on then wait and spend a ton of money on treatments and then have to do the surgery later.

Let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow. :)