Saturday, August 23, 2008

And now we wait....

Two week waits are always the hardest for me. But for some reason, I don't feel like this 2ww is going to be as hard...probably because I would be absolutely shocked if we got pregnant right after surgery. My post-op appt is on Tuesday. I really can't wait to hear what my RE has to say about my surgery and our new plan of action. He told Shaun several times after the surgery that he wanted him to be there so that makes me feel like he is going to have a big talk with us. What do you think he is going to say?? injectibles??
TRIGGS ahead...I'm looking forward to tonight. We are going out with some couples for pizza and then bowling. The bowling is really random, but we are trying anything to help my good friend, Jessica, to go into labor. I thought this might be a hard time for me, but I'm really just so excited. Not that I'm at all taking credit for this baby, but I did help her figure out how to time everything and even gave her some pre-seed. She got pregnant the first cycle they tried. Maybe I have a future in NFP/TTC classes...wouldn't that be ironic??


Faith said...

We'll be thinking about you as Tuesday approaches. My husband had to come to my post-op too, and there was no earth-shattering news -- I think the RE just wanted both of us to hear all of the results.

Jen&Carter said...

Good Luck!

I Believe in Miracles said...

I hope your apt goes well on Tuesday!! We have a follow up, next steps with the RE next Friday and I'm so looking forward to it.

Did your friend go into labor?

You know, I've never really heard of pre-seed before some of this blogging. It's amazing how much you can still learn DAILY. Craziness.

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

have a great time bowling girl!

& i really hope you doc has only good news for you at your post-op! keep us posted!

kate (kprzy)