Thursday, August 7, 2008

Surgery is.........

scheduled for Monday morning!! I'm so relieved that the wait is over and that hopefully we will get some answers soon.


Elaine said...

That's great news Courney! I hope your surgery is virutally painless and that all answers are good ones! (FYI, I had a laporoscopy (sp?) a few years ago. Be sure when you stand up, you do so slowly. The gases in your abdomen will rise quickly. Mine all settled in my shoulder. I literally felt as if I had shoulder surgery instead!) On a brighter note, the recovery time is quick and you'll be good as new in no time!

Anonymous said...

Good luck COurtney! Will be thinking of you on Monday! I'm sure everything will go great! Elaine ahd good advice-- def watch how you stand. I had a lap 2 yrs ago & had the same problems with the gas settling in my shoulder. It only last a couple days, but is kind of annoying if you aren't prepared for it. Have a great weekend!
kate (kprzy)

Mrs. Barrenness said...

Hi Courtney! I'm new to the blogging world (, and I've enjoyed reading your blog. I just had lap done at the beginning of July, and it wasn't bad at all. I had more abdominal pressure than anything else. I kept waiting for the shoulder pain, but it never happened. The nurse told me to try to keep my upper body elevated, so I slept on my back on lots of pillows - might have helped keep the gas out of my shoulder. I was back to normal after a couple of days. I'll say a prayer for you on Monday.

Courtney said...

Good luck! I agree, I hope the DR finds something quick and easy to fix. You're in my thoughts and prayers.