Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Do I have....

a cyst?? I keep having this nagging pain around my left ovary for the past two days. I didn't have an ultrasound at my appt so I have no idea what is going on in there. Could it be a corpus luteum cyst? It just keeps getting worse, and I'm so bloated all of a sudden. weird.


I Believe in Miracles said...

If it continues for awhile, I'd definitely call your RE.

andrea_jennine said...

I get cysts ALL THE TIME, after EVERY medicated cycle. I never really have much pain, but I definitely get very bloated. The bloated usually diminishes by mid-cycle, and the cysts resolve themselves naturally in one cycle. That's just my experience, for whatever it's worth.

Anonymous said...

hey girl! when i had a cyst, that was pretty much what it felt like... i'd call your doc if it persists tho.

& thanks for the sweet post! i'll def keep you updated!

kate (kprzy)

Elaine said...

Hey Courtney! I hope you are feeling better today. I was just checking in on you. Did you call the Dr. about your possible cyst? I hope the bloating is a sign of good things to come ?!? :)

Praying, praying, praying!

Lauren said...

Good luck, Courtney! Just wanted to say I hope you're feeling better. :)


Unknown said...

I hope you are feeling better! Did you get to watch the Auburn game? We went but left after the 3rd quarter. It was fun - my favorite part is always the eagle flying - even a short flight for her causes goosebumps!