Sunday, August 10, 2008

Surgery Eve

Bowel prep=not fun
Now I'm starting to get nervous. What are we going to find out tomorrow? What if he finds nothing? My biggest fear for this surgery except of course major complications is that my RE will find absolutely nothing wrong. I really think only my IF buddies are going to be able to understand that fear. Please pray. Please pray that we will find some answers tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 7AM, and I will try to post something tomorrow afternoon.


Nikki said...

I hope you get some answers tomorrow Courtney. I hope all goes well. Good luck!

Lisa said...

Good luck Courtney. You are in my thoughts.

Bernardeena said...

I really hope that everything goes smoothly for you today and that you get some answers and a way forward.

Ellie said...

Hey chica- hope all went well today. The heating pad will work wonders on the shoulder pain that comes from the gas accumulation. It is a very odd side affect.

Take care!