Monday, August 11, 2008

Surgery Update

First of all... I'm sorry if this post doesn't make much sense because I'm on some major pain meds right! The surgery went very well. My RE found Stage Two Endometriosis on both of my ovaries and the back side of my uterus, and he was able to remove most of the endometriosis. It feels good to at least have some answers now. Shaun and I will meet with our doctor at the post-op to discuss our fertility treatment options, and I will know a lot more after that appointment. Got to get back in bed....big hugs and more details to come soon...


Faith said...

Great news! Glad that the surgery went well. Try to stay flat on your back as much as you can -- it helps with the shoulder/rib pain (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're doing better than I did!). Ginger ale also helps. Here's to having a plan! Hope you get to feeling better soon ((hugs))

I Believe in Miracles said...

YEAH!!! Great news. Now at least there are some answers -- he did find something. And hopefully that removal stuff was enough. I hope you recover quick and are not in super pain. You're in my prayers.

Mrs. Barrenness said...

Glad to hear the surgery went well. Also glad to hear that the dr. found something and was able to give you some answers. Rest up and recover quick! I'll look forward to reading more as you develop a plan. Take care!

Faith said...

Hope you're feeling better today. We look forward to hear more from you once you're back up and around (and btw -- I tagged you :)).

Charnè said...

just found your blog... hoping you recover soon and that follow up visit goes well

Yetty said...

Congratulations girl. Problem identifiation is first step to problem solution. Get well soon alright!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy and recover soon! I hope removing the endo. is exactly what is needed to get the baby show on the road for you guys!!!! Best of luck for a speedy recovery! :)

andrea_jennine said...

Glad you have some answers now! Praying for a happy solution now that you know more.