Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Emotional Day

I cried all the way home from work today. I blame it on the wide range of emotions I felt all day and of course--progesterone.

Anxious- Woke up this morning feeling anxious for my friend who was being induced at 5 AM, and anxious for my appt to see what in the world my RE was going to say.

Sad- Sad that I had to go to my appt alone because my husband can't get away from his work these days (which I don't blame him for)

Stressed- Stressed with traffic trying to get to the RE's office by 8 AM

Hopeful-Appt went really well with Dr. H...He went over all of my pics from surgery, and we both talked about how happy we are that we did the surgery. He wants to double my meds this next cycle to 5 mg Femara. Oh and he was pleased that I ovulated. He said "maybe you will be pregnant" with a big smile on his face.

Stressed- Back to work in a rush to finish as much as I could in the shortest amount of time so that I would have time to see my friend at the hospital.

Calm- Held a brand new baby girl this morning at baby therapy...she was only 3 hours old, and she loved being held close. I also talked with an Indian woman who is a grandmother of one of the babies who shared with me that she lost two babies, and she just kept saying "this is such a blessing, such a blessing" because they didn't have any medical care in India when she lost her two boys. And although we didn't have a lot in common, we immediately bonded over our love for our lost babies and our appreciation for the little miracles in that room.

Excited- After baby therapy, I texted my friend to see if she was up for a visit. She wanted me to come over so I saw her for a minute and then her dr came in to check her so of course I left. Her husband came out a couple minutes later and handed me the video camera and said "you aren't going anywhere...she is 9!!" I couldn't believe it!! She had a great, fast labor. It was so special to see the dad come out with his sweet baby boy. He was so proud, and the baby was adorable!! Very emotional moment for me. I can't believe 9 months ago that I was confirming that she was pregnant by checking out the lines, and now a healthy baby is here.

So that is why I found myself crying all the way home. I actually just turned all the lights out and went to bed at 6 PM...had a good cry and nap, and I'm feeling better now.


Nikki said...

I can feel each of your emotions Courtney! I swear all these hormones, and everything else really makes us so vulnerable to emotion!

COngrats to your friend - what fun!! And I'm so proud of you to have the strength to be there for her and with her. You're a great friend!

andrea_jennine said...

That does sound like an emotional day!

I Believe in Miracles said...

That sounds like a very emotion filled day. I love how you made us feel right there with you. I hope today is less emotion filled...

Yetty said...

Next to retail therapy, cry therapy is my next favorite. Hang in there girl

Michelle said...

Wow, emotional day indeed! Even I'm crying reading about it! HUGS!