Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Therapy

Today was my first day as a volunteer in the newborn nursery at a local hospital, and it was amazing. This all started at the beginning of the summer when I decided to call the hospital to see if they needed volunteers to hold babies and to my surprise...she said yes and that the orientation was later that night. A couple fingerprints, a background check, and a TB test later, I was cleared to become a volunteer. After getting my badge today, the volunteer coordinator showed me how to do the three minute scrub down. Then, I put on a long sleeve yellow robe with an open back, and she brought me into the nursery. Most of the babies were in the little plastic mini-cribs, but some were still in incubators. This nursery is where the babies from nicu are placed once they are well enough to leave the nicu, but they aren't well enough to go home yet. My first baby was a sweet black baby boy...precious. I rocked him for probably 30 minutes. He liked to keep one of his hands untucked from his swaddle so that he could make sure that his paci didn't fall out. And then a baby started crying so I put my first baby down, changed my gown, washed up again, and held a sweet black baby girl. She had a little heart monitor on her foot so I had to move my chair over to her station to hold her. She was funny because she wanted to check out who was holding her, but she was only willing to open one eye. I can't describe to you how blessed I feel to have the opportunity to hold these little miracles. I miss them already!


Nikki said...

Courtney - that sounds amazing. Maybe I need to do something like that too. Right now I don't even look at any babies because I'd just burst into tears. Maybe baby therapy is what I need too! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

Courtney, I had no idea hospitals did that! You've inspired me. Super cool!

I Believe in Miracles said...

That's sounds awesome!! Those babies sound completely adorable and were totally blessed to have you care for them some.

JW Moxie said...

I just wanted to drop in and congratulate you on your Pink Rose Award! I hope you'll pass it on! I've added you to the long list of other recipients that I've been keeping on my blog.

When I was still struggling to get pregnant, sometimes holding other people's babies was a salve that no one or nothing else could provide. What a great experience for you to have!

I was cracking up at your husband's mistaken listening over the weekend!

Mel said...

What an amazing experience! You must be one very strong woman to allow yourself to hold those precious new babes. I hope I can get to that point in my grief sooner rather than later! :)

Thanks so much for sharing…and congrats on your Pink Rose Award!

☆ Loren ☆ said...

I am also inspired... I never imagined you could volunteer for something like that. Im definately going to look into it! Thank you for the fantastic idea!!

Courtney said...

Courtney, what a cool idea. My DH coaches football afterschool, and I am constantly looking for things to do to keep myself busy (anything to avoid eating). That sounds like a great idea.

Anonymous said...

COurtney, what a wonderful experience! I had no idea that was available. I think I might have to call up our local hospitals & see if I can volunteer too.
what an inspiration you are! i'm so glad you're doing something so positive, & making others want to help out too!

kate (kprzy)

Michelle said...

Awwww, Courtney. I'm in tears. These little babies are so lucky to have someone with such a big heart to love on them. I know they can feel your love every time you pick them up!