Saturday, June 28, 2008

The "Perfect Cycle"....

unfortunately ended with a big fat no. I kept getting faint positives on my fav brand of pregnancy tests (first response) even 14 days after the hcg trigger shot so my RE's nurses wanted me to come in for b/w on Friday. I was freakishly calm up until the point that I walked out of the office doors and left my blood behind. All of a sudden it hit me that I had made a huge mistake. I thought I was going to be strong, but I lost it. I was overwhelmed with fear of hearing the nurse say those dreaded words and especially the day before the baby shower at my house. Well two hours later, I heard those dreaded words and once again I lost it (hcg was only 1.9). I met Shaun for lunch, but I was too emotional to go inside to eat so we drove my car over to Arby's and sat in the parking lot. I told him that I wanted to quit (which I knew wasn't true the moment it came out of my mouth), and he assured me that he was not going to let me give up because he knows how much we both want a baby. Somehow I was able to finish the rest of my work day, and then I had to go over to wal-mart and other stores to get all of my baby shower supplies. It was a pitiful sight. I'm sure I looked like a sad little lost puppy as I wondered the aisles of the baby section. I bought little hats, onesies, booties, pacifiers...all in our green and brown color scheme for my fireplace mantle clothes line (turned out really cute by the way). Late that night...I finished all of the decorations, and I actually had a good night's sleep. I think I had a lot of IF buddies praying for me this morning because I woke up with such a peace about the shower, and I had a wonderful time rejoicing with my friend. Thank you for all of your prayers and support...I'm truly blessed to know all of you even if I only know some of you through the blogger world.


Joy said...

Courtney - You have been in my thoughts all week. I am confident that you will have another perfect cycle that ends with a positive test.

melissa said...

that sucks! I am so sorry that it didnt turn out well. I will be praying for you, I am impressed that you made it through the baby shower, I think I would have been in pieces.

Lisa said...

Courtney, I'm so sorry about the BFN. I know how hard those are and after 30+ cycles of BFN's, they never get easier. I'm also glad you were able to make it through the baby shower. You've been in my thoughts.

Cibele said...

I am so sorry. Just want to send you a hug

Ellie said...

Hey Courtney- I am so sorry. I was there earlier this week so I know exactly how you feel. I will keep you in my prayers. Here's to next month!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Hi Courtney --- I'm so sorry. I know how hard this news is and it does sound like God was able to work miracles to soften your heart at the baby shower and give you a sense of peace. I always try to focus on next steps... you have another shot, it's not the end of the road, and hopefully a miracle will happen next month! I will continue to pray for you.
big BIG *HUG*

Anonymous said...

Courtney - Just read through your blog for the first time today - I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN. It is such a letdown to go through a "perfect cycle" only to hear bad news at the end. I so admire your strength with the baby shower, though - that was truly an inspiration to me.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Just dropping you a comment to let you know i'm thinking about you...

CG said...

Sorry about this cycle. Big hug.

Unknown said...

Courtney- I was just catching up on your blog as I haven't read it in awhile and it was just heartbreaking for me reading it already knowing what you have been through this past month. Your post about the shower brought tears to my eyes, we have all been there. You do have a strong faith, sometimes we questions God when we shouldn't, but we are only human after all. I know great things are coming for you, as DH said, keep hoping and think positive.

~Katie (katiewar)

Ellie said...

Hey- how are you doing? Do you guys have a plan for this next month?

Hope you are doing ok. Have a happy 4th of July!